Searching For Your New Home

Once you have determined what your budget is for buying a new home, you can begin deciding what type of home you want. Below is a list of considerations that will assist you in determining an idea of your likes and dislikes. By preparing yourself before you start searching, making a choice will be much easier.

Regional Considerations

  • Do you prefer urban, sub-urban, rural, or semi-rural areas
  • What types of land or views would you like near you? Examples: hills, lakes, ocean, gulf, golf course
  • How far are you willing to travel or commute?
  • Where do you frequently shop? Write down a list of places you visit on any given week. How far do you want to travel to get to these places?
  • Are schools a factor for you?
  • What types of recreation do you want to be near? Are you interested in nightlife?
  • Neighborhood Considerations

  • Are you interested in a private home? Or are you interested in a neighborhood with social families, holiday meetings, or block parties?
  • Do you prefer a single family home, a high rise condo, a villa? What type of building do you want to live in?
  • What amenities would you like? Tennis, country club, golf, pool?
  • How will children get to school? Do they take the bus, walk, or ride their bicycles?
  • For more information about buying a house in Naples, Florida, visit