Tips for selling a home during the holidays

Although many people worry about the stress of selling a home during the holidays, you don’t have to be intimidated. The right Realtor can help you through the process and reduce your stress.

In addition, there are also some simple tips you can follow to improve the buyer’s first impression. If you’re trying to sell a property over the next few weeks, these tips will help you make a bigger and more positive impression.

Go easy on holiday decorations

A few holiday decorations can add charm to your home and make it feel more welcoming to home buyers. However, too many decorations can make the home seem crowded and small.

Additionally, avoid overly religious decorations, since these items can alienate some home buyers.

Be diligent in keeping it clean

It’s always important to keep your home clean when you are trying to sell it. It can be tough, however, when you have holiday parties and family get togethers. Try to limit events or have another family member host events while you are trying to sell your home.

Don’t forget the landscaping

If you want to attract visitors to an open house, make sure the yard looks clean and well maintained. Curb appeal is always important, even during the holiday season. You can decorate the outside of your home, however, it should be tasteful and not overwhelming.

If you live in a condo, make sure your entryway is clear of clutter. Although it may sound obvious, make sure your door is clean.

Make your home inviting

The longer a potential buyer spends in your home, the more its charm will begin to appeal to them. Keep the home at a pleasant temperature. You might also offer homemade treats, such as warm apple cider and fresh baked cookies. The treats are tasty and will make your home smell nice.

While these tips can help you make a better impression on potential home buyers throughout the holidays, the basic principles of home selling are still applicable during this season.

An experienced agent can guide you in helping your home make a better impression at any time of the year. To learn more about what you can do to make your home more appealing, contact Realtor Larry Roorda.  Call (239) 860-2534 or email